Triple S Landscape competition

Year : 2023
Triple S architecture competition

First-place winning team

Landscape redesign of the campus of Faculty of engineering - Helwan university - Matarya branch

Our vision for redesigning the college landscape aims to enhance students' creativity and productivity through their surroundings. By providing thoughtfully designed gathering areas and study spaces, we create opportunities for spontaneous interactions, intellectual conversations, and collaborative learning. 

Our redesigned college landscape becomes a catalyst for fostering a sense of belonging, inspiring innovation, and nurturing personal growth among our students.

To achieve this, we designed a proposal for the circulation across the campus by creating dedicated paths for different modes of transportation. By separating paths for cars, pedestrians, and bicycles, we ensure safety and convenience for everyone while encouraging sustainable transportation alternatives.

Sustainability is a key element in our design approach. We strive to integrate eco-friendly practices into every aspect of the landscape. This includes selecting native plants, implementing efficient irrigation systems, and incorporating renewable energy sources where possible. By doing so, we reduce our environmental impact and create an inspiring, green campus that aligns with our commitment to sustainability.

Furthermore, we recognize the importance of aesthetics and functionality in enhancing the overall student experience. As part of our vision, we aim to reimagine the front elevations of the buildings to make them more sustainable and visually appealing. Incorporating sustainable materials, optimizing natural lighting, and integrating green facades are some of the strategies we employ to create a harmonious blend between architecture and nature.
Board 01
Board 02
Board 03

Full boards
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Triple S Landscape competition